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Teenager Nightmares: A Week without Cell Phones(십대들의 악몽: 핸드폰 없는 1주일간)
Teenager Nightmares: A Week without Cell Phones The Youth Specialties blog is written by and for youth workers. As some...

Praise for Our God(우리 하나님을 찬양하라)
Praise for Our God God has a wonderful plan that when completed will bring forth from the hearts of all his creation s...

God Has A Wonderful Plan for You(하나님은 당신을 위한 놀라운 계획을 가지고 계십니다.)
God Has A Wonderful Plan for You by the Dawn Bible Students Association WITH all the scientific knowledge and te...

Peace, and the Legacy of Jesus ? Perfect Peace(평화, 예수님의 유산:완전한 평화)
Peace, and the Legacy of Jesus ? Perfect Peace WHAT NATION today has peace? What nation is at peace with itself? What ...

The Kindly Yoke(친절한 멍에)
The Kindly Yoke "Come to Me, all ye labouring and burdened, and I will refresh you. Take My yoke upon you and le...

Jesus the World's Savior(구세주 예수)
Jesus the World's Savior by the Dawn Bible Students Association "Thou shalt call his name Jesus.- f...

The Bible Viewed in the Light of Reason(이성의 빛으로 본 성경)
The Bible Viewed in the Light of Reason "Joy cometh in the Morning" by the Chicago Bible Students The Bibl...

The Development of the Divine Plan(하나님의 신성한 계획의 발전 단계)
The Development of the Divine Plan reprinted from "Joy cometh in the Morning" published by the Chicago Bible Students

The Permission of Evil(악마의 허가)
The Permission of Evil "Joy cometh in the Morning" by the Chicago Bible Students Evil is that which produ...

When a Man Dies(사람이 죽을 때)
When a Man Dies by the Dawn Bible Students Association There are very few of the teeming millions of mankind w...

How God Answers Prayer(하나님은 기도에 어떻게 응답하시는가?)
How God Answers Prayer by the Dawn Bible Students Association How can we be sure that God will answer our pray...

Three Gifts for Hard Times
Three Gifts for Hard Times What I've learned as life has taken a turn for what most people think is the worst. William J. Stuntz | posted 8/28/...

The Case for Early Marriage
The Case for Early Marriage Amid our purity pledges and attempts to make chastity hip, we forgot to teach young Christians how to tie the knot. Mark...

Days Of Elijah(지금은 엘리야 때처럼) 영어 가사
Days Of Elijah These are the days of Elijah Declaring the Word of the Lord And these are the days of Your s...

Mark 16(마가복음 16장)/ Scofield(스코필드 역)/ 1917-
Mark 16(마가복음 16장)/ Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition)(스코필드 역) 1 And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and ...

Mark 16(마가복음 16장)/ John Wesley(요한 웨슬리 역)
Mark 16(마가복음 16장)/ John Wesley(요한 웨슬리 역) Verse 1. Matt. xxviii, 1; Luke xxiv, 1; John xx, 1. Verse 2. At ...

2 very common misconceptions about Jezebel (이세벨에 대한 2가지 일반적인 오해)/2Kings 9:30(왕하9:30)
2 very common misconceptions about Jezebel (이세벨에 대한 2가지 일반적인 오해) 2Kings 9:30(왕하9:30) When we t...

Girls, Gold, Glory/ 2008-09-20
Girls, Gold, Glory Brief Prayer Requests Israeli Elections ? Tomorrow are to be primaries for the Kadima ...

God Bless You at Christmas/ 2016-12-25
God Bless You at Christmas The Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles 1329 South Hope Street, L.A. Civic Center Dr. R. L. Hyme...

You raise me up/ 2017-12-12
You raise me up When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary When troubles come and my heart burdened be Then, ...