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The Gift from (하나님이 주시는 은사)/Acts 2:1-47(행2:1-47)/영어설교듣기란 28에는 그림까지 나와 있습니다.
The Gift from God Acts 2:1- 47 (NIV) The last time Jesus appeared to the disciples he instructed them to stay in ...

Jesus Appears to His Followers (제자들에게 나타나신 그리스도)/Luke 24:13-50(눅24:13-50)
Jesus Appears to His Followers Luke 24:13-50 (NIV) After his resurrection Jesus was no longer a man. Now he was a...

The Resurrection of Jesus(예수님의 부활)/Matthew 28:1-10(마28:1-10)/ 2015-04-12
The Resurrection of Jesus Matthew 28:1-10 (NIV) The disciples were very sad over the death of Jesus. It seemed that all of thei...

The Crucifixion of Jesus(십자가에 못박히신 예수님)/Luke 23:26-49(눅23:26-49)
The Crucifixion of Jesus Luke 23:26-49 (NIV) The religious leaders in Jerusalem did not believe that Jesus was th...

Jesus Goes to Jerusalem(예루살렘으로 가시는 예수님) /Matthew 21:1-11(마21:1-11)
Jesus Goes to Jerusalem Matthew 21:1-11 (NIV) Jesus had been ministering to the people for 3 1/2 years now. Durin...

The Resurrection of Lazarus(나사로를 살리신 예수님)/John 11:1-44(요11:1-44
The Resurrection of Lazarus John 11:1-44 (NIV) One of Jesus's greatest miracles was the raising of his frien...

The Lord's Prayer(주기도문)/Matthew 6:9-13(마6:9-13)
The Lord's Prayer Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV) Jesus encouraged his followers to pray to God with sincerity and not ...

Jesus Walks on Water(물 위를 걸으신 예수님)/Matthew 14:22-34(마14:22-34)
Jesus Walks on Water Matthew 14:22-34 (NIV) Jesus performed many miracles. One night he even walked on water to ...

Sowing Seeds(씨 뿌리는 자의 비유)/Luke 8:4-15(눅8:4-15)
Sowing Seeds Luke 8:4-15 (NIV) Jesus often used word pictures to teach the people. These stories were called Para...

Jesus Heals the Sick(병든 자를 고치시는 예수님)/Mark 5:2-41(막5:2-41)
Jesus Heals the Sick Mark 5:2-41 (NIV) Jesus wished to bless the people and lead them to faith in God. Because he...

Love Your Enemies(네 원수를 사랑하라)/Luke 6:27-36(눅6:27-36)
Love Your Enemies Luke 6:27-36 (NIV) One of the important things Jesus told the people was that they should love ...

Light of the World(세상의 빛)/Matthew 5:13-16(마5:13-16)
Light of the World Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV) Jesus wanted the people to know that they should live lives that would p...

Blessed Attitudes(축복 받은 태도)/Matthew 5:3-10(마5:3-10)
Blessed Attitudes Matthew 5:3-10 (NIV) Jesus traveled around the area of the Sea of Galilee and taught the people...

Jesus Chooses 12 Apostles(열두 제자를 선정하시는 예수님)/Luke 5:1-11(눅5:1-11), Mark 3:13-18(막3:13-18 )
Jesus Chooses 12 Apostles Luke 5:1-11, Mark 3:13-18 (NIV) Jesus chose 12 special friends to help him in preaching...

John the Baptist Prepares the Way for Jesus(예수님의 길을 예비하는 세례요한)/ Matthew 3:1-(마3:1-)/ 2014-02-12
John the Baptist Prepares the Way for Jesus Matthew 3 (NIV) God had a special work for John the Baptist. He was to prepare the ...

Jesus as a Boy(소년 시절의 예수님)/Luke 2:40-51(눅2:40-51)
Jesus as a Boy Luke 2:40-51 (NIV) Jesus "grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God w...

Escape to Egypt(애굽(이집트)으로 피신하신 예수님)/Matthew 2:13,14(마2:13,14)
Escape to Egypt Matthew 2:13,14 (NIV) Joseph and Mary gave the new baby a special name. An angel appeared to Jose...

The Angel's Announcement(천사의 수태 고지)/Luke 2(눅2:)
The Angel's Announcement Luke 2 (NIV) About 2000 years ago there was a very special baby born in the town of...

Rebuilding God's Temple(성전 재건)/Ezra 1 (스1:)
Rebuilding God's Temple Ezra 1 (NIV) The Babylonians, who had taken the Israelites captive, were now defeat...

Daniel in the Lions Den(사자굴 속의 다니엘)/ Daniel 6(단6:)/ 2017-03-21
Daniel in the Lions Den Daniel 6 (NIV) Another faithful Hebrew who was taken off captive to Babylon was Daniel. He was taken captive as a young man and God b...