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목사별 영어설교

Making the Most of Your Walk With God(당신의 대부분의 삶을 하나님과 동행하게 하려면)/ Psalms 1:1-6(시1:1-6)/ 영어설교(English Sermons)
Making the Most of Your Walk With God Psalms 1:1-1:6 Last Sunday we spoke on Making the Most of the Time We ...

Psalm Chapter 1(시편 1편)/ Psalms 1:1-6(시1:1-6)
Psalm 1 Psalms 1:1-6 Psalm Chapter 1 Introduction: Read Psalm 1:1-6

You Are Truely Blessed(당신은 참으로 축복 받은 사람입니다)/ Psalms 1:1-6(시1:1-6)
You Are Truely Blessed Psalms 1:1-1:6 A young man was learning to be a paratrooper. Before his first jump,...

Let’s Understand Why We Live(우리가 왜 살고 있는지를 압시다)/ Psalms98:1-9(시98:1-9)
Let’s Understand Why We Live Psalms98:1-9 We as a church will be focusing on subjects, pertinent subjects togeth...

The End of The Wicked(악인의 끝)/ Psalm 73 vv.16-20(시73:16-20)/ Rev. Maurice Roberts/ 2005-05-01
The End of The Wicked(악인의 끝) Psalm 73 vv.16-20(시73:16-20) The End of The Wicked, Psalm 73 vv.16-20 Date 01/05/2005 ...

The Heavenly Bridegroom(하늘에 있는 신랑)/ John 3:25-36(요3:25-36)/ Rev. Maurice Roberts Inverness/ 2006-01-22
The Heavenly Bridegroom John 3:25-36 The Heavenly Bridegroom, John ch.3 vv.25-36 Date 22/01/2006 Time 11:00

Two Resurrections(2가지의 부활: 첫번째 부활과 두번째 부활)/ John 5:25-29(요5:25-29)/ Rev. Maurice Roberts Inverness
Two Resurrections John 5:25-29 Preacher Rev. Maurice Roberts Inverness Sermon Title Two Resurrections

A Serious Question(심각한 질문)/ Mark 10:17(막10:17)/ Rev. Maurice Roberts Inverness
A Serious Question Mark 10:17 A Serious Question, Mark ch.10 v.17 Date 25/01/2006 Time 19:30 Preacher Rev. ...

Crucified Sinner Saved(십자가에 못박힌 죄인이 구원 받다)/ Luke 23:42-43(눅23:42-43)/ Rev. Maurice Roberts Inverness/ 2006-01-26
Crucified Sinner Saved Luke 23:42-43 Crucified Sinner Saved, Luke ch.23 vv.42-43 Date 26/01/2006 Time 19:30

The Biblical Doctrine of Creation(성경적 창조 원리)/ Isaiah 40:28(사40:28)/ Rev. Padbury Stockton/ 2006-02-13
The Biblical Doctrine of Creation Isaiah 40:28 The Biblical Doctrine of Creation Date 13/02/2006 Time 19:30 ...

Motivated Marriages(동기 부여된 결혼)/ 1 Corinthians 13:(고전13:)
Motivated Marriages 1 Corinthians 13: A funeral service was being held for a woman who had just passed away. At t...

Christian Citizenship(그리스도인의 시민권)/ Romans 13:1-13:7(롬13:1-13:7)
Christian Citizenship Romans 13:1-13:7 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) Keywords: (Suggest Keywords) Patriotism, voting

Fixed In Heaven, Focused On Humanity(천국에 고정되고 인간성에 초점을 맞추며)/ Psalms 97:1-97:9(시97:1-97:9)
Fixed In Heaven, Focused On Humanity Psalms 97:1-97:9 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) Keywords: (Suggest Keywords) contr...

Bright Hope For Dark Days, Pt. 1(어두운 날들을 위한 밝은 희망(1))/ Romans 13:11-13:14(롬13:11-14)
Bright Hope For Dark Days, Pt. 1 Romans 13:11-13:14 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) Keywords: (Suggest Keywords) Apostacy, anarc...

Bright Hope For Dark Days, Pt. 2(어두운 날들을 위한 밝은 희망(2))/ Romans 15:1-16:18(롬15:1-16)
Bright Hope For Dark Days, Pt. 2 Romans 15:1-16:18 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) Keywords: (Suggest Keywords) encouragement, potenti...

Bright Hope For Dark Days, Pt. 3(어두운 날들을 위한 밝은 희망(3))/ Romans 10:17(롬10:17)
Bright Hope For Dark Days, Pt. 3 Romans 10:17 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) Matthew 17:20 “If you have faith…nothing will be imp...

Bright Hope For Dark Days, Pt. 4(어두운 날들을 위한 밝은 희망(4))/ Hebrews 11:1-12:3(히11:1-히12:3)
Bright Hope For Dark Days, Pt. 4 Hebrews 11:1-12:3 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) It’s truly a sad day when someone loses their fai...

The Godly Portrait of Marriage(1)(결혼의 신성한 초상(1))/ Celebrate The Difference(서로 다른 것을 찬양하라)/ Genesis 2:18-25(창2:18-25)/ 2015-02-12
The Godly Portrait of Marriage(1)(결혼의 신성한 초상(1))/ Celebrate The Difference(서로 다른 것을 찬양하라) Genesis 2:18-25(창2:18-25)

The Godly Portrait of Marriage, Pt. 2(결혼의 신성한 초상(2) 겸손한 남편들)/ Colossians 3:19(골3:19)
The Godly Portrait of Marriage, Pt. 2 Humble Husbands Colossians 3:19 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) One day the P...

The Godly Portrait of Marriage, Pt. 3 “Sweet Surrender”(결혼의 신성한 초상(3) 달콤한 항복)/ Colossians 3:18(골3:18)
The Godly Portrait of Marriage, Pt. 3 “Sweet Surrender” Colossians 3:18 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) Let me su...