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SIN Sin comes when we take a perfectly natural desire or longing or ambition and try desperately to fulfill it without God. Not only is it sin, it is a pe...

SINFUL NATURE Sin, its effects: How does a worm get inside an apple? Perhaps you think the worm burrows in from the outside. No, scientists have discovere...

SINGLEMINDEDNESS (see also FOCUS) Consider the postage stamp: Its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.

SINGLENESS Elisabeth Elliot tells of Gladys Akword, a London parlour maid, who went to China as a missionary. Spent 7 years there, single, happy. Then an ...

SIN'S POWER Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman told of a distinguished minister, Dr. Howard, from Australia who preached very strongly on the subject of sin. Afte...

SINS, small
SINS, small Imagine all the obstacles a person might have to overcome if he were to walk from New York City to San Francisco. One man who accomplished thi...

SIN, attraction to
SIN, attraction to Several years ago our family visited Niagara Falls. It was spring, and ice was rushing down the river. As I viewed the large blocks of ...

SIN, deceitfulness of
SIN, deceitfulness of Gary Richmond, a former zoo keeper, had this to say: Raccoons go through a glandular change at about 24 months. After that they ofte...

SIN, degrees of
SIN, degrees of Roman Catholic theology distinguishes between mortal and venial sins. A mortal sin removes your justification, and if you die with unconfe...

SIN, hatred for
SIN, hatred for There's an old story about a man who tried to save the city of Sodom from destruction by warning the citizens. But the people ignored...

SIN, hiding
SIN, hiding No illustrations yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Humor

SIN, of omission
SIN, of omission Misdeeds are sins of commission and missed deeds are sins of omission. ----------------------------------------------...

SIN, personal
SIN, personal "What's wrong with the world?" a newspaper editorial once asked. G.K. Chesterton wrote in reply, "I am." ---------...

SIN, slavery to
SIN, slavery to Radio personality Paul Harvey tells the story of how an Eskimo kills a wolf. The account is grisly, yet it offers fresh insight into the c...

SIN, wages of
SIN, wages of No illustrations yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comm...

SITUATIONAL ETHICS At the end of the Battle of Britain, British vice-marshal Alexander Adams was driving to a meeting at his headquarters when he came upo...

SKIN My wife was grading a science test at home that she had given to her elementary-school class and was reading some of the results to me. The subject w...

SLANDER When a simpleton abused him, Buddha listened in silence; but when the man finished, Buddha asked him, "Son, if a man declined to accept a present ...

SLAVERY Mankind is so fallen that no man can be trusted with unchecked power over his fellows. Aristotle said that some people were only fit to be slaves....

SLOW STARTS The first electric light was so dim that a candle was needed to see its socket. One of the first steamboats took 32 hours to chug its way from...